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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tHe MoSt StReSsFuL DaY eVeR ...T.U.E.S.D.A.Y

what is this feeling
i can feel something deep inside my heart
it is really pain
full of regret
just think of it really make me sick
the tears gonna burst out
any moment
really wanna cry rite now
why am i felt like this?
not because of work
not because of pupils
not because of the surrounding
it is all because of ME..
yes..me MYSELF
when will I become a g00d person?
when will I become a great teacher?
a person that can fulfill her/his responsibility
a teacher that can produce excellent student
a teacher that can deliver her knowledge to all her student
without being pressure or burden with pupils' behaviour
sharing stories and being caring sincerely
hope the gloomy day will end


  1. Don't be sad.. Hope everything will be ok. Usaha+Doa+Tawakal.. Allah will always be there for you to hear all your problems. Take care sis.. dengar lagu Maher Zain yuk! sejuk hati.. ^^

  2. haha..tq Fie.ntah nape rase sedih tu menjadi2 hari ni..pastu ngade2 lak wat style heechul.konon2 tulis poem.ahahaha!!~~

  3. hehe.. style heenim ek?? i tot cara teukie tules.. hehe~;p

  4. ahahaha..poem tu style heenim..tp emo gaya teukie,leh gak.hahaha..ELF yg terlalu over..dh la dah tua..hahaha...
