annyeonghaseyo yeorebun!!~~haha..mcm dah lama tinggalkan blog ni..[walhal baru je seminggu ;P]..act byk cerita nk story dlm ni tp sket2 dulu la..minggu ni agak bz walaupun saje mem"bz"kan diri.hehe..dlm pada bz tu..sempat lagi la aku melayan Strong Heart..kali ni lyn ep 13 sbb highlight paling EPIC pd aku..antara guests yg daebak tu Daesung dgn Taeyang...n sbb susah nk jumpe bdk2 YG ni kt variety show,so hodong gile2 la mengenakan diorg..nak2 Taeyang..Daesung mmg dh gile...variety show skill mmg power..lawak seh mamat ni..
Even my bestfren yg minat BigBang tak bape minat Daesung n aku ttp minat diorg sbb diorg lawak.haha...erk..tajuk Eunhyukkie tp duk membebel pasal BB dulu..ahhahaa..suke lari tajuk ye
ok..back to the,Hodong pun suruh r si Taeyang ni dance or tunjuk talent lebih sket sbb variety show kene tunjuk lebih2..hehe..mule2 Daesung suh dance sengal ala2 die taeyang wat dance "wedding dress"..haha..mmg cair la tgk..nk letak vid,tenet tak mengizinkan..nak capture gmbr,sure2 la gambar tu x cntek sbb tgh dance..miyane^^
dan...yg aku suka pasal hodong ...huhu..nmpk mcm die fav Suju..hehe..sbb audiences n guests mmg tgh amazed lg dgn Taeyang's dance tp tbe2 Hodong announce cmni....

yaaaaa!!~~nice one Hodong sSi..hehe...i LIKE!!~~aku mmg duk tggu gak sbb Hyukkie mmg tgk dgn geramnye Taeyang dance kt stage tu...
and dance pun bermula....sumpah!!~~the feel watching taeyang's dance n Hyukie's dance is different..mmg melt tgk x tau nk describe feel masa tgk Hyukie...Nurul Syafinas, agaknye kamu boleh tak tlg saya describe???hahaha..
nomu nomu nomu nomu moshta Eunhyukie!!~~ charanda..mmg idols dance icon rambut sory2 sangat kakoii ok..gile hensem la..nape tukar?^^ semua scene dlm Introducing Star Friend..sangkut terus kt Hyukie sbb die sgt suke dance dlm show ni...
kyeopta ^^
hehehe..part ni best..lagu "u r pretty-Park Ji young"....
all da best for 5th jib Hyukie.....
bila 5th jib?? dah x lama lg ke..? i dun like it when i knew they were so0 rushing to release a new album.. -.- relax ar.. take ur time n produce quality album.. hu~~ mybe its just because im not really hv a 'chemistry' with their 4jib album..;p compared ngn 3rd album dulu.. or mybe its just me.. alahaii~ mamai la bgn2 tid0 ni.. maen ckp jek.. ;p haha!!~ oh! n'way!! Hyukkie is the best!!~
ReplyDeletelastnyte, ade org post vid "eunhae introduces themselves in english".. hahaha!!~ siriusly lawakkkk sgt eunhyuk!!!~ oh! i hate him!!! he keep making me falling in luv.. -.- oht0ke??? i mean, ngn mmber laen, xde la rasa cmni.. dgn hyukkie jek.. haha!!~ luv is really painful u know.. mbahahahaa!!~ ok gila.. ;p
ReplyDeletehehe..setakat ni,baru rumors2 kan?just tau next year je.ehehe..ntahnye..dgn kibum yg baru nk join balk.smpt ke nak training n join 5th jib tu ek...msti sbb nk kejarkan dateline teukie n heenim masuk army tak?.....
ReplyDeleteahahaha...mmg painful..baek2..nnti xleh pokus nk exam.hehe
ekkk!!~ oh! xnak pkir psl army dlu.. nnti sedey.. T.T huhu~ dahla teukie+heechul.. -.- 2 2 kekuatan suju.. haha.. ok! hiperbola.. kak huda cri r vid eunhae tu.. kangin tarik rmbut hyukkie! haha.. sbb eunhyuk sengal sgtttt.. padan muke dia..
ReplyDeletehehehe...akk dh cari td tapi x jumpe..iffie post ktne?akk taknak tnye byk td sbb takut ganggu ifie stdy..btw,shin pd show suju+mblaq part 2 dah ade sub..kt blog yg akk bg dulu akk follow blog tu,baru perasan post2 baru.haha..act kan dh terminat ss501 sbb tgk strong heart..hehe..tggu masa je nk update blog.tggu free r..
ReplyDeletekak huda tlg simpan link pdsh0w tu erh.. ;)
ReplyDeletebereh ^^