it is a great news to ELF n Donghae is confirmed to be a lead in SBS new drama after Dr. Champ.
and this news is to support my word that he will be a lead..hehe..
It’s finally official. Super Junior’s Donghae has been cast in his first ever leading role.
We recently reported that the popular idol was in talks to take the lead in the new SBS Monday Tuesday drama It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter. Today, it was announced that Donghae is officially on board for the new show.
In the drama Donghae will be playing Choi Wook Gi, a young man who lives diligently and has a strong sense of responsibility despite experiencing hardship in life. The character Choi Wook Gi will become a member of the band Oh Hob Ji Jon with CN Blue’s Kang Minhyuk’s character. This will be a collaboration of sorts between Super Junior and CN Blue, another thing to anticipate.
Donghae expressed his feelings at being cast, saying:
“I’m nervous and excited because this is my first time acting in a drama. However, I will work hard to show you good image. Please show lots of love and interest in the drama, “It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter” and the character that I will be play, Choi Wook Gi.”
Donghae follows Super Junior’s acting roster from the group’s Attack of the Pin Up Boys, to hyung Heechul Golden Bride, Siwon’s Oh! My Lady and Athena: The Goddess of War and Shindong’s Doctor Champ.Mark your calendars! It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter featuring Moon Chaewon, Kang Minhyuk, Jun Taesoo and Donghae is due to premier on November 22nd.
Source: Aeasia
Translation: minnie@sujuism.blogspot
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We recently reported that the popular idol was in talks to take the lead in the new SBS Monday Tuesday drama It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter. Today, it was announced that Donghae is officially on board for the new show.
In the drama Donghae will be playing Choi Wook Gi, a young man who lives diligently and has a strong sense of responsibility despite experiencing hardship in life. The character Choi Wook Gi will become a member of the band Oh Hob Ji Jon with CN Blue’s Kang Minhyuk’s character. This will be a collaboration of sorts between Super Junior and CN Blue, another thing to anticipate.
Donghae expressed his feelings at being cast, saying:
“I’m nervous and excited because this is my first time acting in a drama. However, I will work hard to show you good image. Please show lots of love and interest in the drama, “It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter” and the character that I will be play, Choi Wook Gi.”
Donghae follows Super Junior’s acting roster from the group’s Attack of the Pin Up Boys, to hyung Heechul Golden Bride, Siwon’s Oh! My Lady and Athena: The Goddess of War and Shindong’s Doctor Champ.Mark your calendars! It’s okay, Daddy’s Daughter featuring Moon Chaewon, Kang Minhyuk, Jun Taesoo and Donghae is due to premier on November 22nd.
Source: Aeasia
Translation: minnie@sujuism.blogspot
Written by:
But...dont worry Fishy!!~~ ur acting is just superb for us!! to see him in Suju Mini Drama, Attack on the pin-up boys, and Mystery 6..
ok...pnt r speaking...meh kita jenguk sket Donghae kt cite2 yg dinyatakan di atas.hehe..
MYSTERY 6 !!~~ Mystery 6..act ni just a show about spirit n how they overcome it..n my boys [haha..perasan] acting konon2 nye Donghae kene ganggu dek smething paranormal dlm dorm diorg tu.ahahaha..seram seh kalo tgk cite ni mlm2..n their acting is great..really great for me coz rase cm real..sian gile2 kt Donghae sbb kena kaco time tdo,siap lemas bagai..pengsan lg..serius cam real..duk risau je takut kalo cite tu betul...
ok, 2 scenes ni mmg wat aku x sng duduk...risau!!~~ over kan? Donghae ah!!~~jangan jd gini dlm real life tau..sgt2 sedih kalo jd Donghae pengsan sorg2 kt umah..mmber lain ade show..seb baik x jd pape..aish!!~~
nampak x dialog kejam kat atas tu? tu dialog Manager diorg yg kejam!!~~org sakit kene marah cmtu..sabar je la...
byk lg leh cite pasal Mystery 6 ni..nnti wat kt entry lain..
[sbb nk cite pasal Sungmin other bias tu..mana leh tinggal.ahaha]
ok..suju mini drama lak ade 3 ep...
ep 1 : Horror Story
ep 2 : Dangerous Friendship
ep 3 ; First Love Story..
Mini drama ni diorg divide suju into 2 grups n lawan drama sape paling byk vote oleh fan...n each time grup yg kalah ade penalty yg kene add skali dlm next drama...pun details selanjutnye dlm entry akan dtg.ahaha..just nk share smething about Donghae kt sini..rasenye die mmg minat berlakon r..n scene ni mmg mencairkan hati sape2 yg menonton especially Eunhae fans !!~~
Ep 2 : Dangerous Friendship
aigoo....[nosebleeding scene]....EunHAe ah!!~~what r guys doing??ur fans are fainting outside the building!!~~
Eunhyuk : ur shines like the sky at night....[ahahaha..true!!~~]
n they r so happy together ...EUNHAE!!~~
Ep 3 : First Love Story

Donghae : Noona, dont be shocked n just listen
Donghae : Sarangheyo Noona
Attack on The Pin-Up Boys
[peh..salah save,jd x jelas nye nk capture dr film..minhae yeorobun]
[peh...kecik lak..kalo besarkan,sah2 le tak jelas..]
kate dah tak jelas.....aish!!~ottoke?haha..dh penat ni..
btw,cube teka sape ahli2 grup ni?hehehe
Finally..see Donghae ssi? there is no problem about ur acting skills..just go for it Dear...ELF, Suju mmebrs n ur family are always behind u...
fishy!!~ wish u all the best!!~^__^
ReplyDeletebgus gak ada entry kak huda.. xde la ifi b0san excited s0rg2.. kalau ifi yg p0st entry cmni mesti akak2 ifi bsing..;p member2 ELF plak sume bz skrg ni.. xley nak tlg back up.. hnya kp0p fans jek fhm prasaannye!! ekekeke.. ;D
ahahaha!!~~ifie tau x?akk excited nk menulis pun sbb ade iffie..kelakar la.rase cm zmn sharodz.ade adek nk kgsi cite2 cmni.amal x bape nk tunjuk fanatik die.hahaha..hope la iffie tak bosan kalo akk ade tag iffie kt fb or blog ni ha..hehe..really fun being an ELF with u!!~~
ReplyDeleteamal low profile.. haha!!~;p