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Friday, October 15, 2010

m0rE aB0uT FisHy!!~~

aigoo..he's t0o cute.cant resist myself to write more ab0ut him..<3 <3 <3 [sign love kalo kt fb]..hehe
got some of his cyworld comment,just not so sure when did it happen..just wanna to share some of it...

Me : Oppa, malaysia ELF wish u happy birthday..
Donghae : Kamsahamnida!! Come to SS3!!

[me is refer to hanny-admin super junior for all fanpage] 

omo...Hae is in between the eviL..haha..hyukjae that always bullying Hae n Kyu the EviL Magnae..sll sgt interrupt cyworld Hae..nak tgk??huhu

Donghae : Thank you ELF for wishing saengil chukka!!
Kyuhyun : Me too!!
Donghae : Neo wae?? ( why you??)
Kyuhyun : ani...*sleeping* 
Donghae : I go to your dorm now..


ELF : saengil chukkahamnida!!Did u eat??
Donghae : No..T.T
Kyuhyun : I cook ramen but he won't eat.
Donghae : Eunhyuk I want!! (I think he means he want eunhyuk to cook for him)




ELF: Oppa,say saengil chukka to donghae for me..
Eunhyuk : why should I??Donghae neun nae namja ya!!( Donghae is my man)
ELF : Jaesunghamnida..( I'm sorry)

ELF : oppa,saengil chukka!!
Donghae : Kamsahamnida!!
Eunhyuk : oppa,stop playing computer and let's go to sleep..

[msti masa tu muke hyukjae cmni..haha]

tp sedihnye,Lee Dong Hae still tak jd top list dlm trending topik..agaknye ELF tgh wat ape ye? #HAEppybirthday kena block..mau x..org suh letak satu je dlm setiap tweet tp ade lak yg tulis
#HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday #HAEppybirthday
hahaha..taula sayang Fishy tp smpi kene spam.. x psl2 tak dpt jd TT..huhu 

n the time now 11.15..rasenye kt korea dh kul 12.00 smething kan?Hae bzday is over yet he is still not trending..Fishy!!~~where r u?u should tweet smething now... 

finally,Hae tweeted at twitpic..this is his new pic..enjoy 

Donghae's twitter update - 정말 감사합니다 ! 너무나 행복한 하루를 보냈습니다! 멤버들이케익도해주고 선물도 많이주고 ㅎ Thank God! Thank u My Dad Mam. And ELF

TRANS - Thank you so much! I'm so happy spent this day! members already gave a cake and lot of presentsㅎ Thank God! Thank u My Dad Mam. And ELF





  1. meriahnye cyw0rld!!!!~ mana dpt??-.- sume org cam happy sbb bezday fishy.. ;D best2!!~

  2. hehe..ade fanpage kt fb..super junior for all..admin die,hanny ..duk malaysia tp korean..die ade cyworld..best kan?hae dgn eeteuk kt Taiwan..masa kt airport,T-elf smbut dgn banner saengil chukkahamnida dgn nynyi skali.

  3. dahla ada cyw0rld.. hae reply lak tu k0men dia.. -.- oh jelez!

  4. ahahaha...sgt jeles kan?akk mtk tlg die post fanmade vclip tuk sungmin..die ckp die try sbb die tak rapat dgn sungmin sgt..die rpt dgn donghae,yesung n kyu..apekah makna semua itu?!!~~
    [menyirap je geram saya ni]..hahahaha..
    NAK CYWORLD gak!!!
