3rd song of their perf...noerago [its u]...i'm really love this song...dramatic yet catchy..thats why they have two mv for this song...drama version n dance version
starting of the song....
really love Yesung's gaze at this part^^
and of course...Eunhyuk never fail to amaze me^^....
She Wants It..[watch it here]
Honestly?? this is the 1st time i've ever listening to this song..haha..i've all Suju's song but maybe i've not listen to all song..and yes..i love this song too..haha..what not to LOVE about Super Junior... the stage,the perf,the storyline is awesome..
and yes..i'm calmly listening to all these 4 song until it comes to member introducing...arghhh!!~~~like a nightmare..huhuhu
Member Introducing...[watch it here]
Heechul : Naega nugu?
Fans : Kim Heechul....
with his ssukso smile..hehe
Donghae ah!!~~what are u doing?huhuhu...
annyeonghaseyo..Siwon imnida...[ntah betol ke x..main tules ape yg dgr je ni]^^
tak larat nk speaking dh sgt2 jeles dan geram dgn elf yg ade masa tu..hahaha
hehe..n biasanye Sungmin le raja aygeo kan?hehe..masa konsert ni rasenye terbalik..cube tgk sape ganti jd raja aygeo?^^
hahaha..it's me Kyuhyun!!~~comel x?hehe..ntah bile die belajar jd sengal atas stage..hehehe..tp mmg sgt sporting...terbayang kalo Kibum ade..nak tak die wat cmni..huhuhu...
peh..baru 3 org..dh pening pale nk introduce ni..hehehe..takpe2...hwaiting!~~..ok,continue..
.......now for the nosebleeding part...
haish!!~~dont bit ur lips dear..it is so precious,u know that?hahaha....
i'm melting with his gaze n sexy voice...ang....
adoyai!!~~ntah bunyi ape yg aku tules...hahaha..yg penting..mmg sexy seh.hahaha...
hehehe..n back to Sungmin with his sexy dance...em.,..perasan tak?style rambut Sungmin dgn Hankyung kan mcm rambut Son Goku n Bezita time transform jd super saiyan..hahaha..
tak pun.amek yg highlight je kan?ahahaha
ok..ni the mischievous one...
eunhyuk wat sengal.hahaha..dance smbil lap peluh pastu baling towel kt elf..erk.kalo aku lah..aku smbut tak agaknye?huhuu... tgk betol2 gmbr ni..heechul pun wat gak.ahhahaha..menjadi satu tanda tanya ni..sambut ke tak..sambut ke tak..sambut ke tak..hahaha
Kangin lagi best..curah air mineral satu badan..smpi mic pun kene skali...tak sejuk agaknye..huhu..pastu die baling2 sket air kt elf..hahaha...

and scene paling x best....Donghae ssi...saje bagi elf HISTERIA..yg tgk tak live ni pun HISTERIA..inikan yg depan mata..yaaaaa!!~~~masa die kuar depan ni smbil unbutton sket vest tu..mmg i dah jerit dah..skali......
die gi kat elf n kiss tgn elf tu...KISS...yes..KISS....uwaaaaa!!!~~menjerit gile time ni tp dlm hati...isk3...jelesnye T__T..ohttoke?sbb tu rase mmbuak2 nak gi SS3..huhuhu...
peh.....(@__@)...sampi sini dulu la..hahaha..sakit hati lak..seb baik x nmpk muke elf tu..kekeke.
.[emo lak tbe2]
hahahaha.. highlight part hyukkie!!
ReplyDeleteEUWWWWW! dahla dia plg smelly among his mmbers! suke2 ati jek baling towel!;p hahahha..
tp heenim rmai gla fans.. fanchant rmai jerit nama dia jek!
ahahaha!!~~kalo iffie la kat situ..iffie smbut tak towel tu?huhuhu..masa kt mlysia diorg takde buat gitu?
ReplyDeletehaah..heenim mmg ramai gile fans..tak thn gile masa lagu rokkugo..sian kot fans tu..dh kene tenung gitu,die gi wat tak tau je.huhu
akk penat jerit dlm hati sbb Donghae terlalu "ramah"!!~
ReplyDeletehaha!!~ time kat mesia, di0rg x baling t0wel.. klu baleng pn mende2 yg fans baling atas pentas la.. cam fans cmpak bunga segala. then di0rg baling la.. apa lg.. berebut la fans amek. (just bc0z of suju mmber just touched it!) hahahahha.. sengal gla.. eh kak huda, dr tgk part intr0 tu, ifi asek bepkir jek kalau ifi dpt t0wel tu, ifi nak amek ke x.. haihhh~ xde jwpn! hahahaha.. ceis!
ReplyDeleteahahaha!!~~taw xpe..akk pun duk pikir ni..haish..soalan yg tiada jawapan..mmm