First song that nite..[like i was there :P]...i wish i was there...the boys were so energetic n hyper!!~~hyukjae n sungmin keep on dance n dance..cant take my eyes off them...hangeng n siwon too..all of them..cant leave Donghae...the stage were so alive!!~

Donghae was really into it!!~~
Sungmin running from the audience..omo...sure have a glance that he hold any hands that he could grab ^^

Hyukjae enjoying himself t0o
hangeng..miss ur white hair n body ^^
Look all da leeteuk had said before..elf can fulfill the hall that Linkin Park fan can not do it.. dont be made..that Leeteuk said..hahaha..but i think thats true =)
and actually,from the beginning of the song,i was curious about Kyuhyun coz i can hear his voice but he cant seem be anywhere on the stage...n when it reach the half of the song...Kyu made a charismatic appearance
hehehee...Kyunhyun imnida..i'm here!!~~he can sing,he can dance,he is witty!! Kyu to0...
~am i realli will review all the video?hahaha..just wait n see~
lets watch together^^
kak huda!! time kat mlysia, entrance di0rg pn cmtu gak!. mmg sirius x sedar.. tba2 jek diorg ada kat seblah.. mmg jerit ar elf.. ^^ oh!! rindu! demmit!!~-.-
ReplyDeletesungmin mmg layan fans.. cam teukie gk.. tgk lagu rokkugo nanti! ada 1 part tu, heenim jln dekat ngn fans.. fans hulur tgn n jerit cam org gla.. last2 heenim pusing blakang n wat x taw.. heechul kejammm glaaaa.. hahaha!~ tp ai suke sbb dia jenis x suke pgg tgn fans.. msti rimassss..;p
ahahahahahaa......jeles seh!!~~~~iffie.......akk nk gi gak..tak kire..nak tgk gak.....
ReplyDeleteai xde duet!!!~ oht0ke???;p nak pnjam ahl0nggggggg! ekekeke..
ReplyDeletehuhuhu....keje2 time cuti.hehehe..nak x nak akk nk gi gak.hehe
ReplyDeleteyup2!!~ mmg nak kena kerjaaa.. wajib carik duet bli tix! 500.. ckup la keje sebln. ^^ hehe..
ReplyDeletehehhe..jgn lupe inform akk tau kalo dh nk start jual tix tu.huhuhu..semangat membara ni..