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Monday, January 17, 2011

sPeCiAL JanUaRy !!~~ part 2...

this is why i called it Special January...1st,our pumpkin...now it is racoon's turn >.<
saengil chukkahe Kangin Ssi..
please be healthy n come home safely
cant wait for ur comeback
ur dongsaengs are waiting for u to in charge of Teukie n Heenim's role...
really hope u r doing well in the camp.
i'm sure u r one of the most famous guy there beside Boom.haha...


  1. ne,unnie...thn lepas...oo,baru tahu eh?hehe

  2. aah..junki,dongwook..tggu diorg kuar ni.hehe

  3. junki dgn dongwook xde gi mana2 variety show ke?mtk2 r pas army ni diorg dtg strong heart ke..ehehe..ade gak yg bercerita psl diorg kt strong heart..msti diorg lg byk cite nk bgtau.heehehe
