its been awhile writing in this blog..ahaha..too much things to handle made me lazy to update..but,today is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!..ahaha...the boys are making their comeback this august..n i'm just finish watching their new MV...Mr. Simple...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!the truth?kinda hate the new song at first coz it's not catchy as "Sorry2" and "Bonamana"...but,they r so lucky coz of their hotness,the MV is DAEBAK!!..really love it coz the picture is so clear like "No Other"...well,i guess i need to wait for the live perf to make sure that my mind is ready to be blown...ahaha...
their suit are so it...
ahaha..and i cant resist to be part of JEWELS...why?coz he is COOLIO in any dress up and hair...matching with his wit i rite,Efie and Amal?ehehehe
hotness overload..even shindong pun awesome..ahahaha
My baby HAe?...jgn cakapla..mmg sgt HOT..erk tp lupe nak cap gambar sungmin sbb susah sgt nak fokus kt die..mlm2 kang cube lg..huhu
ahahaha..sampai sini dulu..nanti cerita lagi ^^